Contact Us

The Green Bay Chapter of WFT is at the point of retirement, unless we can get some new volunteers to help manage the organization. In light of recent events, it looks like there is solid interest in keeping the organization going.

North Shore Bait Company is showing support and suggested that the chapter honor a local angler, Aaron Miklaszewicz, who passed away recently. We have all of the processes and systems in place to reorganize the chapter.

WFT Headquarters would like us to gather a group of interested people for a meeting.

We will discuss what a managing an WFT chapter entails and what support we receive from WFT headquarters.

WFT has a rich history in Green Bay and greatly impacted the area. It would be great to continue this tradition.

Please sign up by using the form, and we will contact you when a meeting date is scheduled to get things rolling.

Thank you very much!

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