Green Bay Value Study

This is the study WFT paid for in 2018 to document the value of Sport Fishing on Green Bay.  We did this in anticipation of the commercial fishing growth in Green Bay.
WFT representatives attended 2 meetings, one in Sturgeon Bay and one in Green Bay in 2018.  Both meetings disturbed us greatly, thus the study.
The DNR has never really referenced the study.
Meredith Penthorn at DNR and she said she would post it on the DNR website to make it a public document.

In an effort to better understand angling in the Bay of Green Bay
watershed and how this identity impacts the state economy, the
authors worked with Walleyes for Tomorrow and the Wisconsin
Department of Natural Resources (WDNR). Since the WDNR

continually examines the catch of anglers through a long-
standing creel survey design that is used to estimate fishing

pressure and success, the data collection effort for this study
piggy-backed upon this creel survey design by distributing
a survey packet to recreational anglers intercepted at boat
launches and shore fishing areas.